Press releases
Considering the embargo imposed by Russia on foodstuffs from the European Union, on Friday, 24 October, the Baltic Assembly adopted an appeal to the European Commission to promptly take a positive decision on granting of direct compensatory aid to milk producers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in order to avoid irreversible consequences in the milk sector of the Baltic States
“Turkey is one of the countries that have consistently refused to recognise the occupation of Latvia. Now, after ten years in the European Union and NATO, we know how important it is to have the support and understanding of other member states. Therefore, Latvia fully supports further enlargement of the EU and Turkey’s candidacy for membership”, declared Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, after her meeting on 23 October with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the newly elected President of the Republic of Turkey. Latvia is the first EU member state he has officially visited since being elected.
On Thursday, 23 October, the Saeima in the final reading adopted amendments to the Law on the Supervision of the Handling of Food, which set the limits of permissible content of trans fats in foodstuffs to promote the availability of healthier food options.
On Thursday, 16 October, the Saeima in the second and final reading adopted urgent amendments to the Criminal Law and the Criminal Procedure Law introducing electronic monitoring of convicted individuals as an alternative to imprisonment.
On Thursday, 16 October, the Saeima adopted amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Saeima and thus introduced several changes in the law that regulates the work of the parliament.
On Friday, 17 October, the European Affairs Committee approved the topics that will be addressed during the parliamentary meetings of Latvia’s first Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It is expected to hold six parliamentary meetings during the Presidency.
On Thursday, 16 October, during her official visit to Moldova, Inese Lībiņa-Egnere, Deputy Speaker of the Saeima, met with Liliana Palihovici, Vice Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, and emphasised that Latvia and Moldova have all the prerequisites for stronger parliamentary ties: excellent political dialogue, interparliamentary cooperation groups in both parliaments and mutual willingness to cooperate on the sectoral committee level.
On Thursday, 16 October, the Saeima adopted in the final reading a new law setting forth rules on the management of companies owned by the state or a local government. The Law on the Management of State-Owned Capital Shares and Capital Companies will come into force on 1 January 2015 and will lay down the procedure according to which such companies are to be founded, operated and liquidated, as well as the procedure for managing capital shares, including setting of goals and assessment of operations.
On Thursday, 2 October, the Saeima adopted in the final reading amendments to the Public Procurement Law, which requires that businesses submitting public tenders must first settle their tax debts. As of 1 August 2015, all contracting authorities will be required to conduct an in-depth price evaluation in cases when the quotation is suspiciously low. Analysis also will have to be conducted if the average salary in the company falls under 80% of the national average for the relevant profession.
On Thursday, 2 October, the Saeima adopted in the final reading amendments to the Law on Public Holidays, Remembrance and Festival Days setting forth that the final day of the Latvian Song and Dance Festival will now be a public holiday, and if the final performances fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the following business day will also be a holiday.