Saeima: Vehicle license plates will be allowed to include the national coat of arms


The Saeima, on Thursday, December 19, approved in the third and final reading amendments to the Law on the National Coat of Arms of Latvia, allowing the inclusion of the national coat of arms on vehicle license plates.

The amendments specify that the small national coat of arms may be used on motor vehicle license plates. This can be included on the more widely used types of license plates, as explained by the authors of the draft law during a meeting of the Economic, Agricultural, Environmental, and Regional Policy Committee, which is responsible for the bill’s progress in the Saeima. The coat of arms will not be used on trailer license plates.

The use of the coat of arms on vehicle license plates is expected to foster a sense of belonging to Latvia, boost patriotism, and promote Latvia’s recognition outside the country, according to the authors of the amendments.

Currently, several European Union member states, including Austria, Croatia, Slovakia, and Slovenia, feature their national coat of arms on vehicle license plates. Lithuania also uses its national coat of arms on vehicle plates, as stated in the amendment’s explanatory note.

The small national coat of arms will be allowed on vehicle license plates starting 1 January 2026.


Saeima Press Service

Otrdien, 11.februārī
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