Saeima bans advertising of prices or discounts of alcoholic beverages in electronic media


In order to prohibit the advertising of prices and discounts for beer and wine on television and radio and thus reduce the overall consumption of alcoholic beverages and protect young people from the negative impact of advertising, the Saeima approved in the final reading amendments to the Electronic Media Law on Thursday, 26 September.

Currently, according to the law, advertising of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in Latvia, except for two types of beverages - beer and wine.

As its authors from the Ministry of Health note in the draft law, excessive alcohol consumption is one of the main risk factors in the world, which negatively affects the health of residents and threatens the health and safety of the surrounding people. The negative impact of the advertising of alcoholic beverages on the consumption of alcoholic beverages, especially among young people, has been extensively studied and proven: it promotes first-time consumption of alcoholic beverages and increases the overall consumption of alcohol among young people who have previously used alcohol, the authors of the draft law say.

In order to establish comprehensive restrictions on advertising and marketing of prices and discounts of alcoholic beverages (not only on television and radio, but also on the Internet, in cinemas, in printed materials intended for consumers, and elsewhere), the Social and Employment Matters Committee of the Saeima has already supported amendments to the Handling of Alcoholic Beverages Law in the third reading. The amendments are currently being coordinated with the European Commission.



Saeima Press Service

Otrdien, 11.februārī
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