Speakers of Latvian and Lithuanian Parliaments: Latvia and Lithuania have a common position on energy independence


On Thursday, 18 February, Mr. Gundars Daudze, Speaker of the Parliament of Latvia (Saeima), met with Ms. Irena Degutienė, Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. During the meeting it was highlighted that Latvia and Lithuania share the opinion that the Baltic States need to ensure their energy independence. 

„We have a common position on the need to ensure energy independence of the Baltic States, and despite the financial crisis economic relations between our countries are very active,” said Mr. Daudze.

„Energy independence is one of the most significant cooperation aspects. We should solve the topical issue on interconnections with the Nordic countries, and we will succeed if we work together,” indicated the Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.

The Speaker of the Saeima was pleased that the Lithuanian Speaker continued the tradition and paid her first foreign visit to Latvia. Such meetings provide great opportunities to address issues related to the existing cooperation and future goals. „Today we came to a common conclusion that cooperation between Latvia and Lithuania, including bilateral cooperation, cooperation within the framework of the Baltic Assembly, as well as cooperation in relations with Nordic parliaments, is really good,” emphasised Mr. Daudze.

„Our countries and peoples are similar. We share a common history with cheerful and sad moments. Currently, both of our countries face economic hardship,” said Ms. Degutienė. „Crises come and go; crisis is not a war. And despite the fact that it is a hard period for people who experience financial difficulties, I believe that in the end we will emerge from this crisis stronger and wiser.”

Press Service
of the Public Relations Department
of the Parliament of Latvia
Phone.: +371 67087218
Mobile phone.: +371 261 36160 
E-mail: prese@saeima.lv


Otrdien, 11.februārī
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